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Janssen Loft Visit No 9 DVD

Janssen Loft Visit No 9 DVD£24.99   £12.99

We offer an amazing loft visit filmed inside the Janssen loft.

Janssen Red Foxes No 19 DVD

Janssen Red Foxes No 19 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Late Freek Romein founded the International breeding centre Frederikshof. This video is a must for Janssen fans.
Jewel in the Crown No 6 DVD

Jewel in the Crown No 6 DVD£15.50   £9.99

A  visit the loft of Raoul & Xavier Verstraete, Jan Theelen, Andre Roodhoft and Luc Sioen & Deng Fu Chuang
Jos Thone No 7 DVD

Jos Thone No 7 DVD£16.99   £9.99

An entire video devoted to Belgium's 'wonder boy' Jos Thone.

Karel Schellens & De Zutter No 29 DVD

Karel Schellens & De Zutter No 29 DVD£17.99   £9.99

Karl Schellens is one of the most famous fanciers of all times. DeZutter and Son ... for 5 years dominated the championships of Kureghem Centre and L’Entente Belge.

Keep 'em Healthy DVD

Keep 'em Healthy DVD£24.50   £9.99

"An excellent production. Every fancier should have this video. The
section on canker/trichomoniasis is worth the price of the video alone" -
Geoff Kirkland.

Leen Boers DVD

Leen Boers DVD£15.00   £9.99

Visit Leen's loft and discover first hand the methods of the Boers'

Leo Heremans - Parts 1 & 2 (Two DVD Set) DVD

Leo Heremans - Parts 1 & 2 (Two DVD Set) DVD£50.00   £14.99

Widowhood with Old Birds & Strain Making Young birds & racing hens. The art of feeding & motivation

Loft Building & Loft Construction No 42 DVD

Loft Building & Loft Construction No 42 DVD£19.99   £9.99

We visit professional pigeon loft manufacturer Nico Pronk

Loft Management 2 DVD

Loft Management 2 DVD£15.99   £9.99

Julie & Joe Romani, Ian Axe, 'Red Hen' Holt and Audrey Lawrence Johnson.

Loft Management 4 DVD

Loft Management 4 DVD£15.00   £9.99

A loft visit to Josef Fell, winner of Germany's most expensive prize ever.

Loft Management 6 DVD

Loft Management 6 DVD£15.99   £9.99

Ken porter and John Richardson and Brian Riley.

Meulemans No 12 DVD

Meulemans No 12 DVD£16.99   £9.99

Super quality loft visit. This one hour video shows you what makes this loft famous.

Modern Eyesign Selection No 21 DVD

Modern Eyesign Selection No 21 DVD£17.99   £9.99

How to select your birds on their breeding qualities by the use of eyesign

Modern Widowhood Methods No 34 DVD

Modern Widowhood Methods No 34 DVD£16.99   £9.99

A step-by-step guide to genuine, successful modern widowhood

Mystery Flyers III DVD

Mystery Flyers III DVD£17.50   £9.99

Bosmolen Video produced and directed by Armand Scheers.

Natural Ways DVD

Natural Ways DVD£15.50   £9.99

Views on how to race & improve a team flying the Natural System.

Olympic Winners DVD

Olympic Winners DVD£16.99   £9.99

A visit to Jos Bierings the International San Sebastian race winner.

Pigeon Channel No 1 DVD

Pigeon Channel No 1 DVD£17.00   £9.99

Barcelona! Our professional camera crew recorded events from basketing to liberation.
Pigeon Channel No 2 DVD

Pigeon Channel No 2 DVD£16.00   £9.99

We visit no less than 7 crack National & International Winners and wheedle out the ‘Behind the Scenes’ details.

Pigeon Channel No 3 DVD

Pigeon Channel No 3 DVD£17.00   £9.99

Of particular interest is a special visit to the lofts of Remi de Mey, the famous Hen flyer.

Pigeon Lofts 1 DVD

Pigeon Lofts 1 DVD£15.50   £9.99

Respected British Fanciers on how to build a well constructed loft.

Pigeon Lofts 2 DVD

Pigeon Lofts 2 DVD£15.50   £9.99

Ten top British fanciers share their views on how a loft should be constructed.

Racing the Belgian Way No 36 DVD

Racing the Belgian Way No 36 DVD£17.99   £9.99

Compelling loft visit to the Leekens-Hermans loft and the Hok Vandenbrande loft

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